Raise a 9-month-old baby to become a little child prodigy

An educator said: The baby’s mind is like a messy storage room, so parents should help the baby to classify and summarize their storage room. This is to make your baby obtain knowledge in a more systematic way. This is good for their future learning! So, what should parents do for a 9-month-old baby?

Let your baby try

Parents should let their babies experience new things around them. Let them observe, listen, touch, taste, smell, play and perceive these different stimulations from a variety aspects to understand the nature of things.

Guide your baby to compare

When teaching babies to recognise animals, parents can let babies observe pictures of the particular animal at the same time. This helps babies to understand better. 

Give your baby the right answer

When parents see that the baby is interested in something, parents can initiate the conversation by asking the baby and answering him with patience. For example, parents see that their baby is looking at the night light. They can say: Hey? Why does the light come on? Then explain to your baby, that the night light will turn on because there is electricity. On the contrary, it will not turn on without electricity.

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“Empower your parenting journey with Mama Net! Whether you’re just starting your journey into parenthood or are a seasoned pro, Download our app for free on the App Store and Google Playstore for access to certified content, interactive tools, and a community of supportive parents and mothers.”

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